Issue published October 1, 2024 Previous issue

On the cover: The first century of JCI and beyond

Editor in Chief Elizabeth M. McNally reflects on the 100th anniversary of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, major breakthroughs in medicine in the last century, and emerging areas of innovation. We also celebrate this milestone with a special collection of 100th Anniversary Viewpoints that highlight important discoveries in medicine and underscore how understanding the molecular basis of disease can transform human health.



Elizabeth M. McNally

100th Anniversary Viewpoints

Review Series Viewpoint
Review Series

Clonal hematopoiesis (CH), the expansion of hematopoietic stem cells and their progeny driven by somatic mutations in leukemia-associated genes, is a common phenomenon that rises in prevalence with advancing age to affect most people older than 70 years. CH remains subclinical in most carriers, but, in a minority, it progresses to a myeloid neoplasm, such as acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, or myeloproliferative neoplasm. Over the last decade, advances in our understanding of CH, its molecular landscape, and the risks associated with different driver gene mutations have culminated in recent developments that allow for a more precise estimation of myeloid neoplasia risk in CH carriers. In turn, this is leading to the development of translational and clinical programs to intercept and prevent CH from developing into myeloid neoplasia. Here, we give an overview of the spectrum of CH driver mutations, what is known about their pathophysiology, and how this informs the risk of incident myeloid malignancy.


William G. Dunn, Matthew A. McLoughlin, George S. Vassiliou



Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) has emerged as a previously unrecognized, potent, age-related, and common risk factor for atherosclerosis. Somatic mutations in certain known leukemia driver genes give rise to clones of mutant cells in peripheral blood. The increased risk of developing hematologic malignancy does not, on its own, explain excess mortality in individuals with CHIP. Cardiovascular disease accounts for much of this gap. Experimental evidence supports the causality of certain CHIP mutations in accelerated atherosclerosis. CHIP due to mutations in different driver genes varies in their promotion of atherosclerotic events and in the region of augmented atherosclerotic involvement. For example, CHIP due to mutations in DNMT3a appears less atherogenic than CHIP that arises from TET2 or JAK2, forms of CHIP that incite inflammation. The recognition of certain CHIP mutations as promoters of atherosclerotic risk has opened new insights into understanding of the pathophysiology of this disease. The accentuated cardiovascular risk and involvement of distinct pathways of various forms of CHIP also inform novel approaches to allocation of targeted therapies, affording a step toward personalized medicine.


Ohad Oren, Aeron M. Small, Peter Libby



Therapy-related clonal hematopoiesis (t-CH) is defined as clonal hematopoiesis detected in individuals previously treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. With the increased use of genetic analysis in oncological care, the detection of t-CH among cancer patients is becoming increasingly common. t-CH arises through the selective bottleneck imposed by chemotherapies and potentially through direct mutagenesis from chemotherapies, resulting in a distinct mutational landscape enriched with mutations in DNA damage-response pathway genes such as TP53, PPM1D, and CHEK2. Emerging evidence sheds light on the mechanisms of t-CH development and potential strategies to mitigate its emergence. Due to its unique characteristics that predominantly affect cancer patients, t-CH has clinical implications distinct from those of CH in the general population. This Review discusses the potential mechanisms of t-CH development, its mutational landscape, mutant-drug relationships, and its clinical significance. We highlight the distinct nature of t-CH and call for intensified research in this field.


Koichi Takahashi, Daisuke Nakada, Margaret Goodell


Social deficits represent a core symptom domain of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is often comorbid with sleep disturbances. In this issue of the JCI, Sun et al. explored a medial septum (MS) circuit linking these behaviors in a neuroligin 3 conditional knockout model of autism. They identified GABAergic neuron hyperactivity following neuroligin 3 deletion in the MS. This hyperactivity resulted in the inhibition of the downstream preoptic area (POA) and hippocampal CA2 region, resulting in sleep loss and social memory deficits, respectively. Inactivating the hyperactive MS GABA neurons or activating the POA or CA2 rescued the behavioral deficits. Together, these findings deepen our understanding of neural circuits underlying social and sleep deficits in ASD.


Claire E. Cho, Dahee Jung, Reesha R. Patel



Obesity is a growing public health concern that affects the longevity and lifestyle of all human populations including children and older individuals. Diverse factors drive obesity, making it challenging to understand and treat. While recent studies highlight the importance of GPCR signaling for metabolism and fat accumulation, we lack a molecular description of how obesogenic signals accumulate and propagate in cells, tissues, and organs. In this issue of the JCI, Jiang et al. utilized germline mutagenesis to generate a missense variant of GRP75, encoded by the Thinner allele, which resulted in mice with a lean phenotype. GPR75 accumulated in the cilia of hypothalamic neurons. However, mice with the Thinner allele showed defective ciliary localization with resistance to fat accumulation. Additionally, GPR75 regulation of fat accumulation appeared independent of leptin and ADCY3 signaling. These findings shed light on the role of GPR75 in fat accumulation and highlight the need to identify relevant ligands.


Marcelo Chávez, Anushweta Asthana, Peter K. Jackson



Ineffective recovery from pneumonia can lead to interstitial lung disease characterized by aberrant epithelial cells in fibrotic regions. In this issue of the JCI, Lin et al. define molecular pathways leading to the development and persistence of keratin 5+ (Krt5+) epithelial cells in the alveolar parenchyma when mice struggle to recover from influenza infection. The receptor for IFN-γ on lung epithelium was essential for the formation of aberrant Krt5+ cells and fibrotic lung disease. The transcription factor Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP) was necessary for persistence of these Krt5+ cells, and IFN-γ activated YAP in lung epithelial cells via JAK, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and Src kinases. These findings establish a targetable pathway underlying some of the pulmonary postacute sequelae of pneumonia.


Bradley E. Hiller, Joseph P. Mizgerd

Research Letter


Jade Bath, Elisabet Bjånes, Cengiz Goekeri, Jeff Hsiao, Deniz Uzun, Geraldine Nouailles, Victor Nizet, Katharina Ribbeck

Research Articles

Cardiac mononuclear phagocytic cells (Cardiac MPCs) participate in maintaining homeostasis and orchestrating cardiac responses upon injury. However, the function of specific MPC subtypes and the related cell fate commitment mechanisms remain elusive in regenerative and nonregenerative hearts due to their cellular heterogeneities. Using spatiotemporal single-cell epigenomic analysis of cardiac MPCs in regenerative (P1) and nonregenerative (P10) mouse hearts after injury, we found that P1 hearts accumulate reparative Arg1+ macrophages, while proinflammatory S100a9+Ly6c+ monocytes are uniquely abundant during nonregenerative remodeling. Moreover, blocking chemokine CXCR2 to inhibit the specification of the S100a9+Ly6c+-biased inflammatory fate in P10 hearts resulted in elevated wound repair responses and marked improvements in cardiac function after injury. Single-cell RNA-Seq further confirmed an increased Arg1+ macrophage subpopulation after CXCR2 blockade, which was accomplished by increased expression of wound repair–related genes and reduced expression of proinflammatory genes. Collectively, our findings provide instructive insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the function and fate specification of heterogeneous MPCs during cardiac repair and identify potential therapeutic targets for myocardial infarction.


Mingzhu Fu, Shengtao Jia, Longhui Xu, Xin Li, Yufang Lv, Yulong Zhong, Shanshan Ai



During antiretroviral therapy (ART), most people living with HIV-1 have undetectable HIV-1 RNA in their plasma. However, they occasionally present with new or progressive neurologic deficits and detectable HIV-1 RNA in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a condition defined as neurosymptomatic HIV-1 CSF escape (NSE). We explored the source of neuropathogenesis and HIV-1 RNA in the CSF during NSE by characterizing HIV-1 populations and inflammatory biomarkers in CSF from 25 individuals with NSE. HIV-1 populations in the CSF were uniformly drug resistant and adapted to replication in CD4+ T cells, but differed greatly in genetic diversity, with some having low levels of diversity similar to those observed during untreated primary infection and others having high levels like those during untreated chronic infection. Higher diversity in the CSF during NSE was associated with greater CNS inflammation. Finally, optimization of ART regimen was associated with viral suppression and improvement of neurologic symptoms. These results are consistent with CNS inflammation and neurologic injury during NSE being driven by replication of partially drug-resistant virus in CNS CD4+ T cells. This is unlike nonsuppressible viremia in the plasma during ART, which typically lacks clinical consequences and is generated by virus expression without replication.


Laura P. Kincer, Ameet Dravid, Mattia Trunfio, Andrea Calcagno, Shuntai Zhou, Riccardo Vercesi, Serena Spudich, Magnus Gisslen, Richard W. Price, Paola Cinque, Sarah B. Joseph



Patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently experience sleep disturbance. Genetic mutations in the neuroligin 3 (NLG3) gene are highly correlative with ASD and sleep disturbance. However, the cellular and neural circuit bases of this correlation remain elusive. Here, we found that the conditional knockout of Nlg3 (Nlg3-CKO) in the medial septum (MS) impairs social memory and reduces sleep. Nlg3 CKO in the MS caused hyperactivity of MSGABA neurons during social avoidance and wakefulness. Activation of MSGABA neurons induced social memory deficits and sleep loss in C57BL/6J mice. In contrast, inactivation of these neurons ameliorated social memory deficits and sleep loss in Nlg3-CKO mice. Sleep deprivation led to social memory deficits, while social isolation caused sleep loss, both resulting in a reduction in NLG3 expression and an increase in activity of GABAergic neurons in the MS from C57BL/6J mice. Furthermore, MSGABA-innervated CA2 neurons specifically regulated social memory without impacting sleep, whereas MSGABA-innervating neurons in the preoptic area selectively controlled sleep without affecting social behavior. Together, these findings demonstrate that the hyperactive MSGABA neurons impair social memory and disrupt sleep resulting from Nlg3 CKO in the MS, and achieve the modality specificity through their divergent downstream targets.


Haiyan Sun, Yu Shen, Pengtao Ni, Xin Liu, Yan Li, Zhentong Qiu, Jiawen Su, Yihan Wang, Miao Wu, Xiangxi Kong, Jun-Li Cao, Wei Xie, Shuming An



Severe viral pneumonia can induce rapid expansion of KRT5+ basal-like cells in small airways and alveoli; this forms a scar-like structure that persists in the injured alveoli and impedes normal alveolar epithelium regeneration. In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which viral infection induced this remodeling response. Through comparing different lung-injury models, we demonstrated that infection induced strong IFN-γ signal–stimulated dysplastic KRT5+ cell formation. Inactivation of interferon receptor 1 (Ifngr1) reduced dysplastic cell formation, ameliorated lung fibrosis, and improved lung-function recovery. Mechanistically, IFN-γ regulated dysplastic cell formation via the focal adhesion kinase (FAK)/Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP) pathway. Inhibiting FAK/Src diminished IFN-γ–induced YAP nuclear translocation and dysplastic cell formation. Inhibiting YAP during viral infection prevented dysplastic cell formation, whereas inhibiting YAP in persistent KRT5+ cells led to their conversion into distal club cells. Importantly, human dysplastic cells exhibited elevated FAK and YAP activity, and IFN-γ treatment promoted the transformation of human alveolar progenitor cells into dysplastic cells. These findings uncover the role of infection-induced inflammatory response in alveolar remodeling and may provide potential therapeutic avenues for the treatment of alveolar remodeling in patients with severe viral pneumonia.


Xiuyu Lin, Weicheng Chen, Guilin Yang, Jiazhu Zhang, Huilin Wang, Zeyu Liu, Ying Xi, Tao Ren, Bo Liu, Pengfei Sui



Despite being the leading cause of cancer-related childhood mortality, pediatric gliomas have been relatively understudied, and the repurposing of immunotherapies has not been successful. Whole-transcriptome sequencing, single-cell sequencing, and sequential multiplex immunofluorescence were used to identify an immunotherapeutic strategy that could be applied to multiple preclinical glioma models. MAPK-driven pediatric gliomas have a higher IFN signature relative to other molecular subgroups. Single-cell sequencing identified an activated and cytotoxic microglia (MG) population designated MG-Act in BRAF-fused, MAPK-activated pilocytic astrocytoma (PA), but not in high-grade gliomas or normal brain. T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 (TIM3) was expressed on MG-Act and on the myeloid cells lining the tumor vasculature but not normal brain vasculature. TIM3 expression became upregulated on immune cells in the PA microenvironment, and anti-TIM3 reprogrammed ex vivo immune cells from human PAs to a proinflammatory cytotoxic phenotype. In a genetically engineered murine model of MAPK-driven, low-grade gliomas, anti-TIM3 treatment increased median survival over IgG- and anti–PD-1–treated mice. Single-cell RNA-Seq data during the therapeutic window of anti-TIM3 revealed enrichment of the MG-Act population. The therapeutic activity of anti-TIM3 was abrogated in mice on the CX3CR1 MG–KO background. These data support the use of anti-TIM3 in clinical trials of pediatric low-grade, MAPK-driven gliomas.


Shashwat Tripathi, Hinda Najem, Corey Dussold, Sebastian Pacheco, Ruochen Du, Moloud Sooreshjani, Lisa Hurley, James P. Chandler, Roger Stupp, Adam M. Sonabend, Craig M. Horbinski, Rimas V. Lukas, Joanne Xiu, Giselle Lopez, Theodore P. Nicolaides, Valerie Brown, Nitin R. Wadhwani, Sandi K. Lam, Charles David James, Ganesh Rao, Maria G. Castro, Amy B. Heimberger, Michael DeCuypere



BACKGROUND Androgen receptor signaling inhibitors (ARSIs) have improved outcomes for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), but their clinical benefit is limited by treatment resistance.METHODS To investigate the mechanisms of ARSI resistance, we analyzed the whole-genome (n = 45) and transcriptome (n = 31) sequencing data generated from paired metastatic biopsies obtained before initiation of first-line ARSI therapy for mCRPC and after radiographic disease progression. We investigated the effects of genetic and pharmacologic modulation of SSTR1 in 22Rv1 cells, a representative mCRPC cell line.RESULTS We confirmed the predominant role of tumor genetic alterations converging on augmenting androgen receptor (AR) signaling and the increased transcriptional heterogeneity and lineage plasticity during the emergence of ARSI resistance. We further identified amplifications involving a putative enhancer downstream of the AR and transcriptional downregulation of SSTR1, encoding somatostatin receptor 1, in ARSI-resistant tumors. We found that patients with SSTR1-low mCRPC tumors derived less benefit from subsequent ARSI therapy in a retrospective cohort. We showed that SSTR1 was antiproliferative in 22Rv1 cells and that the FDA-approved drug pasireotide suppressed 22Rv1 cell proliferation.CONCLUSION Our findings expand the knowledge of ARSI resistance and point out actionable next steps, exemplified by potentially targeting SSTR1, to improve patient outcomes.FUNDING National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH; Prostate Cancer Foundation; Conquer Cancer, American Society of Clinical Oncology Foundation; UCSF Benioff Initiative for Prostate Cancer Research; Netherlands Cancer Institute.


Xiaolin Zhu, Tatyanah Farsh, Daniël Vis, Ivan Yu, Haolong Li, Tianyi Liu, Martin Sjöström, Raunak Shrestha, Jeroen Kneppers, Tesa Severson, Meng Zhang, Arian Lundberg, Thaidy Moreno Rodriguez, Alana S. Weinstein, Adam Foye, Niven Mehra, Rahul R. Aggarwal, Andries M. Bergman, Eric J. Small, Nathan A. Lack, Wilbert Zwart, David A. Quigley, Michiel S. van der Heijden, Felix Y. Feng



Infants with biallelic IL7R loss-of-function variants have severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) characterized by the absence of autologous T lymphocytes, but normal counts of circulating B and NK cells (T–B+NK+ SCID). We report 6 adults (aged 22 to 59 years) from 4 kindreds and 3 ancestries (Colombian, Israeli Arab, Japanese) carrying homozygous IL7 loss-of-function variants resulting in combined immunodeficiency (CID). Deep immunophenotyping revealed relatively normal counts and/or proportions of myeloid, B, NK, and innate lymphoid cells. By contrast, the patients had profound T cell lymphopenia, with low proportions of innate-like adaptive mucosal-associated invariant T and invariant NK T cells. They also had low blood counts of T cell receptor (TCR) excision circles, recent thymic emigrant T cells and naive CD4+ T cells, and low overall TCR repertoire diversity, collectively indicating impaired thymic output. The proportions of effector memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were high, indicating IL-7–independent homeostatic T cell proliferation in the periphery. Intriguingly, the proportions of other T cell subsets, including TCRγδ+ T cells and some TCRαβ+ T cell subsets (including Th1, Tfh, and Treg) were little affected. Peripheral CD4+ T cells displayed poor proliferation, but normal cytokine production upon stimulation with mitogens in vitro. Thus, inherited IL-7 deficiency impairs T cell development less severely and in a more subset-specific manner than IL-7R deficiency. These findings suggest that another IL-7R–binding cytokine, possibly thymic stromal lymphopoietin, governs an IL-7–independent pathway of human T cell development.


Carlos A. Arango-Franco, Masato Ogishi, Susanne Unger, Ottavia M. Delmonte, Julio César Orrego, Ahmad Yatim, Margarita M. Velasquez-Lopera, Andrés F. Zea-Vera, Jonathan Bohlen, Marwa Chbihi, Antoine Fayand, Juan Pablo Sánchez, Julian Rojas, Yoann Seeleuthner, Tom Le Voyer, Quentin Philippot, Kathryn J. Payne, Adrian Gervais, Lucia V. Erazo-Borrás, Luis A. Correa-Londoño, Axel Cederholm, Alejandro Gallón-Duque, Pedro Goncalves, Jean-Marc Doisne, Liran Horev, Bénédicte Charmeteau-de Muylder, Jesús Á. Álvarez, Diana M. Arboleda, Lizet Pérez-Zapata, Estefanía Vásquez-Echeverri, Marcela Moncada-Vélez, Juan A. López, Yolanda Caicedo, Boaz Palterer, Pablo J. Patiño, Carlos J. Montoya, Matthieu Chaldebas, Peng Zhang, Tina Nguyen, Cindy S. Ma, Mohamed Jeljeli, Juan F. Alzate, Felipe Cabarcas, Taushif Khan, Darawan Rinchai, Jean-Luc Prétet, Bertrand Boisson, Generalized Verrucosis Japanese Consortium, Nico Marr, Ruba Ibrahim, Vered Molho-Pessach, Stéphanie Boisson-Dupuis, Dimitra Kiritsi, João T. Barata, Nils Landegren, Bénédicte Neven, Laurent Abel, Andrea Lisco, Vivien Béziat, Emmanuelle Jouanguy, Jacinta Bustamante, James P. Di Santo, Stuart G. Tangye, Luigi D. Notarangelo, Rémi Cheynier, Ken Natsuga, Andrés A. Arias, José Luis Franco, Klaus Warnatz, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Anne Puel



The burden of senescent hepatocytes correlates with the severity of metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), but the mechanisms driving senescence and how it exacerbates MASLD are poorly understood. Hepatocytes experience lipotoxicity and become senescent when Smoothened (Smo) is deleted to disrupt Hedgehog signaling. We aimed to determine whether the secretomes of Smo-deficient hepatocytes perpetuate senescence to drive MASLD progression. RNA-Seq analysis of liver samples from human and murine cohorts with MASLD confirmed that hepatocyte populations in MASLD livers were depleted of Smo+ cells and enriched with senescent cells. When fed a choline-deficient, amino acid–restricted high-fat diet (CDA-HFD) to induce MASLD, Smo– mice had lower antioxidant markers and developed worse DNA damage, senescence, steatohepatitis, and fibrosis than did Smo+ mice. Sera and hepatocyte-conditioned medium from Smo– mice were depleted of thymidine phosphorylase (TP), a protein that maintains mitochondrial fitness. Treating Smo– hepatocytes with TP reduced senescence and lipotoxicity, whereas inhibiting TP in Smo+ hepatocytes had the opposite effect and exacerbated hepatocyte senescence, steatohepatitis, and fibrosis in CDA-HFD–fed mice. We conclude that inhibition of Hedgehog signaling in hepatocytes promoted MASLD by suppressing hepatocyte production of proteins that prevent lipotoxicity and senescence.


Ji Hye Jun, Kuo Du, Rajesh Kumar Dutta, Raquel Maeso-Diaz, Seh Hoon Oh, Liuyang Wang, Guannan Gao, Ana Ferreira, Jon Hill, Steven S. Pullen, Anna Mae Diehl



BACKGROUND Cystic kidney disease (CyKD) is a predominantly familial disease in which gene discovery has been led by family-based and candidate gene studies, an approach that is susceptible to ascertainment and other biases.METHODS Using whole-genome sequencing data from 1,209 cases and 26,096 ancestry-matched controls participating in the 100,000 Genomes Project, we adopted hypothesis-free approaches to generate quantitative estimates of disease risk for each genetic contributor to CyKD, across genes, variant types and allelic frequencies.RESULTS In 82.3% of cases, a qualifying potentially disease-causing rare variant in an established gene was found. There was an enrichment of rare coding, splicing, and structural variants in known CyKD genes, with statistically significant gene-based signals in COL4A3 and (monoallelic) PKHD1. Quantification of disease risk for each gene (with replication in the separate UK Biobank study) revealed substantially lower risk associated with genes more recently associated with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, with odds ratios for some below what might usually be regarded as necessary for classical Mendelian inheritance. Meta-analysis of common variants did not reveal significant associations, but suggested this category of variation contributes 3%–9% to the heritability of CyKD across European ancestries.CONCLUSION By providing unbiased quantification of risk effects per gene, this research suggests that not all rare variant genetic contributors to CyKD are equally likely to manifest as a Mendelian trait in families. This information may inform genetic testing and counseling in the clinic.


Omid Sadeghi-Alavijeh, Melanie M.Y. Chan, Gabriel T. Doctor, Catalin D. Voinescu, Alexander Stuckey, Athanasios Kousathanas, Alexander T. Ho, Horia C. Stanescu, Detlef Bockenhauer, Richard N. Sandford, Adam P. Levine, Daniel P. Gale



Variants of the G protein–coupled receptor 75 (GPR75) are associated with a lower BMI in large-scale human exome-sequencing studies. However, how GPR75 regulates body weight remains poorly understood. Using random germline mutagenesis in mice, we identified a missense allele (Thinner) of Gpr75 that resulted in a lean phenotype and verified the decreased body weight and fat weight in Gpr75-knockout (Gpr75–/–) mice. Gpr75–/– mice displayed reduced food intake under high-fat diet (HFD) feeding, and pair-feeding normalized their body weight. The endogenous GPR75 protein was exclusively expressed in the brains of 3xFlag-tagged Gpr75-knockin (3xFlag-Gpr75) mice, with consistent expression across different brain regions. GPR75 interacted with Gαq to activate various signaling pathways after HFD feeding. Additionally, GPR75 was localized in the primary cilia of hypothalamic cells, whereas the Thinner mutation (L144P) and human GPR75 variants in individuals with a lower BMI failed to localize in the cilia. Loss of GPR75 selectively inhibited weight gain in HFD-fed mice but failed to suppress the development of obesity in leptin ob–mutant (Lepob-mutant) mice and adenylate cyclase 3–mutant (Adcy3-mutant) mice on a chow diet. Our data reveal that GPR75 is a ciliary protein expressed in the brain and plays an important role in regulating food intake.


Yiao Jiang, Yu Xun, Zhao Zhang



Chia-Lin Chen, Hidekazu Tsukamoto, Jian-Chang Liu, Claudine Kashiwabara, Douglas Feldman, Linda Sher, Steven Dooley, Samuel W. French, Lopa Mishra, Lydia Petrovic, Joseph H. Jeong, Keigo Machida


In-Press Preview - More


Epidermal stem cells control homeostasis and regeneration of skin and hair. In the hair follicle (HF) bulge of mammals, populations of slow-cycling stem cells regenerate the HF during cyclical rounds of anagen (growth), telogen (quiescence), and catagen (regression). Multipotent epidermal cells are also present in the HF above the bulge area, contributing to the formation and maintenance of sebaceous gland and upper and middle portions of the HF. Here, we report that the transcription factor Krox20 is enriched in an epidermal stem cell population located in the upper/ middle HF. Expression analyses and lineage tracing using inducible Krox20-CreERT showed that Krox20-lineage cells migrate out of this HF region and contribute to the formation of bulge in the HF, serving as ancestors of bulge stem cells. In vivo depletion of these cells arrests HF morphogenesis. This study identifies a novel marker for an epidermal stem cell population that is indispensable for hair homeostasis.


Elnaz Ghotbi, Edem Tchegnon, Zhiguo Chen, Stephen Li, Tracey Shipman, Yong Wang, Jenny Raman, Yumeng Zhang, Renee M. McKay, Chung-Ping Liao, Lu Q. Le



Microglia are recognized as the main cells in the central nervous system responsible for phagocytosis. The current study demonstrated that in prion disease, microglia effectively phagocytose prions or PrPSc during early preclinical stages. However, a critical shift occured in microglial activity during the late preclinical stage, transitioning from PrPSc uptake to establishing extensive neuron-microglia body-to-body cell contacts. This change was followed by a rapid accumulation of PrPSc in the brain. Microglia that enveloped neurons exhibited hypertrophic, cathepsin D-positive lysosomal compartments. However, most neurons undergoing envelopment were only partially encircled by microglia. Despite up to 40% of cortical neurons being partially enveloped at clinical stages, only a small percentage of envelopment proceeded to full engulfment. Partially enveloped neurons lacked apoptotic markers but showed signs of functional decline. Neuronal envelopment was independent of the CD11b pathway, previously associated with phagocytosis of newborn neurons during neurodevelopment. This phenomenon of partial envelopment was consistently observed across multiple prion-affected brain regions, various mouse-adapted strains, and different subtypes of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) in humans. The current work describes a new phenomenon of partial envelopment of neurons by reactive microglia in the context of an actual neurodegenerative disease, not a disease model.


Natallia Makarava, Tarek Safadi, Olga Bocharova, Olga Mychko, Narayan P. Pandit, Kara Molesworth, Simone Baiardi, Li Zhang, Piero Parchi, Ilia V. Baskakov



The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality and neutrophils are critical to its pathogenesis. Neutrophil activation is closely regulated by inhibitory tyrosine phosphatases including Src homology region 2 domain containing phosphatase-1 (Shp1). Here, we report that loss of neutrophil Shp1 in mice produced hyperinflammation and lethal pulmonary hemorrhage in sterile inflammation and pathogen-induced models of acute lung injury (ALI) through a Syk kinase-dependent mechanism. We observed large intravascular neutrophil clusters, perivascular inflammation, and excessive neutrophil extracellular traps in neutrophil-specific Shp1 knockout mice suggesting an underlying mechanism for the observed pulmonary hemorrhage. Targeted immunomodulation through the administration of a Shp1 activator (SC43) reduced agonist-induced reactive oxygen species in vitro and ameliorated ALI-induced alveolar neutrophilia and NETs in vivo. We propose that the pharmacologic activation of Shp1 has the potential to fine-tune neutrophil hyperinflammation that is central to the pathogenesis of ARDS.


S. Farshid Moussavi-Harami, Simon J. Cleary, Mélia Magnen, Yurim Seo, Catharina Conrad, Bevin C. English, Longhui Qiu, Kristin M. Wang, Clare L. Abram, Clifford A. Lowell, Mark R. Looney



Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is an extremely rare disease caused by the expression of progerin, an aberrant protein produced by a point mutation in the LMNA gene. HGPS patients show accelerated aging and die prematurely mainly from complications of atherosclerosis such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, or stroke. However, the mechanisms underlying HGPS vascular pathology remain ill defined. We used single-cell RNA sequencing to characterize the aorta in progerin-expressing LmnaG609G/G609G mice and wild-type controls, with a special focus on endothelial cells (ECs). HGPS ECs showed gene expression changes associated with extracellular matrix alterations, increased leukocyte extravasation, and activation of the yes-associated protein 1/transcriptional activator with PDZ-binding domain (YAP/TAZ) mechanosensing pathway, all validated by different techniques. Atomic force microscopy experiments demonstrated stiffer subendothelial extracellular matrix in progeroid aortas, and ultrasound assessment of live HGPS mice revealed disturbed aortic blood flow, both key inducers of the YAP/TAZ pathway in ECs. YAP/TAZ inhibition with verteporfin reduced leukocyte accumulation in the aortic intimal layer and decreased atherosclerosis burden in progeroid mice. Our findings identify endothelial YAP/TAZ signaling as a key mechanism of HGPS vascular disease and open a new avenue for the development of YAP/TAZ targeting drugs to ameliorate progerin-induced atherosclerosis.


Ana Barettino, Cristina González-Gómez, Pilar Gonzalo, María J. Andrés-Manzano, Carlos R. Guerrero, Francisco M. Espinosa, Rosa M. Carmona, Yaazan Blanco, Beatriz Dorado, Carlos Torroja, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, Ana Quintas, Alberto Benguría, Ana Dopazo, Ricardo García, Ignacio Benedicto, Vicente Andrés



Tumor-associated macrophages and microglia (TAMs) are critical for tumor progression and therapy resistance in glioblastoma (GBM), a type of incurable brain cancer. We previously identified lysyl oxidase (LOX) and olfactomedin like-3 (OLFML3) as essential macrophage and microglia chemokines, respectively, in GBM. Here, single-cell transcriptomics and multiplex sequential immunofluorescence followed by functional studies demonstrate that macrophages negatively correlate with microglia in the GBM tumor microenvironment. LOX inhibition in PTEN-deficient GBM cells upregulates OLFML3 expression via the NF-κB-PATZ1 signaling pathway, inducing a compensatory increase of microglia infiltration. Dual targeting macrophages and microglia via inhibition of LOX and the CLOCK-OLFML3 axis generates potent anti-tumor effects and offers a complete tumor regression in more than 60% of animals when combined with anti-PD1 therapy in PTEN-deficient GBM mouse models. Thus, our findings provide a translational triple therapeutic strategy for this lethal disease.


Yang Liu, Junyan Wu, Hinda Najem, Yiyun Lin, Lizhi Pang, Fatima Khan, Fei Zhou, Heba Ali, Amy B. Heimberger, Peiwen Chen



JCI's 100th anniversary

JCI celebrates a century of publishing scientific discoveries with a special collection highlighting major innovations in medicine and key contributing mechanistic studies.

Review Series - More

Clonal Hematopoiesis

Series edited by Kenneth Walsh

All cells in the body accumulate somatic mutations over time, but the hematopoietic system is disproportionately affected by driver gene mutations that produce clonal events due to its high rate of turnover. When clonal HSPC expansion is detected in the absence of an overt hematological phenotype, it is referred to as clonal hematopoiesis. This collection of reviews, curated by series editor Kenneth Walsh, will explore factors that drive clonal hematopoiesis, including stress, aging, and cancer therapies. Other reviews will unpack the links between clonal hematopoiesis and disease.
