Junichi Sadoshima, Olivier Montagne, Qian Wang, Guiping Yang, Jill Warden, Jing Liu, Gen Takagi, Vijaya Karoor, Chull Hong, Gary L. Johnson, Dorothy E. Vatner, Stephen F. Vatner
Pressure overload causes more TUNEL-positive cells in the left ventricle in MEKK1–/– mice. (a and b) DAPI staining (left) and TUNEL staining (right) of the LV myocardium 7 days after aortic banding in a MEKK1–/– mouse. The white arrow indicates a TUNEL-positive nucleus. Bar = 40 μm. (b) TUNEL-positive myocytes in LV myocardium were counted in control and MEKK1–/– mice subjected to aortic banding for 7 days and expressed as the number per mm2. The number of TUNEL-positive myocytes was significantly higher in MEKK1–/– mice than in the control mice. *P < 0.05; n = 5. (c) Images of the confocal microscopic analyses showing nuclear fragmentation in a MEKK1–/– mouse banded for 7 days. Triple staining (propidium iodide, TUNEL, and anti–α-sarcomeric actin antibody) was performed. Staining for propidium iodide and anti–α-sarcomeric actin antibody is shown by red, and that for TUNEL by green. In the overlay image, a nucleus stained by both TUNEL and propidium iodide is shown by yellow.