Two genetic hits (more or less) to cancer

AG Knudson - Nature Reviews Cancer, 2001 -
AG Knudson
Nature Reviews Cancer,
Most cancers have many chromosomal abnormalities, both in number and in structure,
whereas some show only a single aberration. In the era before molecular biology, cancer
researchers, studying both human and animal cancers, proposed that a small number of
events was needed for carcinogenesis. Evidence from the recent molecular era also
indicates that cancers can arise from small numbers of events that affect common cell birth
and death processes.
Most cancers have many chromosomal abnormalities, both in number and in structure, whereas some show only a single aberration. In the era before molecular biology, cancer researchers, studying both human and animal cancers, proposed that a small number of events was needed for carcinogenesis. Evidence from the recent molecular era also indicates that cancers can arise from small numbers of events that affect common cell birth and death processes.