[CITATION][C] Genome sequencing centres: Washington University in St Louis, Koboldt DC, Fulton RS, McLellan MD, et al.(2012) Comprehensive molecular portraits of …

Cancer Genome Atlas Network - Nature. doi

[CITATION][C] Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature [revista en Internet]. 2012 [citado 2 Nov 2015]; 490 (7418):[aprox. 9p]

Cancer Genome Atlas Network

[CITATION][C] Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature [Internet]. 2012; 490 (7418): 61–. 70

Cancer Genome Atlas Network…

[CITATION][C] Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature [Internet]. 2012 Oct 4; 490 (7418): 61–70

Cancer Genome Atlas Network

[CITATION][C] GA (2012)." Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours."

C Network - Nature