Sublethal in vitro glucose—oxygen deprivation protects cultured hippocampal neurons against a subsequent severe insult

L Khaspekov, M Shamloo, I Victorov, T Wieloch - Neuroreport, 1998 -
RAT and gerbil hippocampus exposed to a sublethal period of ischemia becomes resistant
to a subsequent period of lethal ischemia induced several days later, a phenomenon
referred to as ischemic preconditioning. Here we describe ischemic preconditioning induced
in vitro in cultured hippocampal neurons. Mixed neuroglial hippocampal cell cultures of 14–
17 DIV were exposed to a combined glucose and oxygen deprivation (GOD). Cultures
subjected to 90 min, but not 60 min, of GOD showed extensive degeneration after a 1 day …