Quantitative localized 1H MR spectroscopy for clinical use

R Kreis - Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 1997 - Elsevier
* Tel.:+ 41 31 632 8174; fax:+ 41 31 382 2486; e-mail: kreis@ insel. ch'Abbreviations-ACn:
acetylcamitine; acqs.: acquisitions; Ch: choline; CR: Cramer-Rao; Cr: total creatine (Cr+
PCr); Cr2: methylene group of total creatine; Cr3: methyl group of total creatine; CSF:
cerebrospinal fluid; CSI: chemical-shift imaging; CV: coefficient of variance; EMCL:
extramyocellular lipids; FD: frequency domain; FID: free induction decay; FFT: Fast Fourier
transformation; GA: gestational age; GABA: aminobutyrate; Glc: glucose; Gln: glutamine; Glu …