Alan Gregg memorial lecture. Medical education for the 21st century

LH Smith Jr - 1985 -
LH Smith Jr
It has been said that old men tell of what they have seen and heard, children of what they
are doing, and fools of what they are going to do (1). I plan to transgress against that wise
admonition, however, by stating my purpose up front. I plan to use this unique opportunity to
appear before the leaders of American medical education to speak on two closely
connected themes that together, in my opinion, are necessary for medical education for the
21st century: medicine as a science and medicine as an art.
It has been said that old men tell of what they have seen and heard, children of what they are doing, and fools of what they are going to do (1). I plan to transgress against that wise admonition, however, by stating my purpose up front. I plan to use this unique opportunity to appear before the leaders of American medical education to speak on two closely connected themes that together, in my opinion, are necessary for medical education for the 21st century: medicine as a science and medicine as an art.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins